New Year, Cleaner Water

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The time has come for the veritable New Year’s resolutions list. While the usual suspects are likely to make the list for self-improvement, the Long Island Clean Water Partnership would also like to suggest some items to check off that serve the very island we call home. Water defines life on Long Island. Our work is about preserving and protecting our waters and making the public aware that we can all do our part. Consider adding these water-loving resolutions to your list this year…

CONSERVE WATER: Don’t leave water running while you brush your teeth; cut grass high at three inches to ward off invasive plants, build stronger root systems, and require less water; consider using EPA WaterSense fixtures.

PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET: Bacterial contamination from pet waste can pose a threat to human health and our local waterways, so pick up pet waste. It’s also the kind, respectful pet owner thing to do.

CREATE A TOXIC-FREE HOME: Avoid using pesticides, fertilizers, toxic cleaning products, and other chemicals. These products can be harmful to humans, pets and wildlife and are already showing up in our water supply.

PROPERLY DISPOSE OF MEDS AND TOXIC FLUIDS: Dumping these items down household and storm drains, or flushing them in the toilet, can end up in our drinking water. Call a recycling center or find a place that accepts these items to properly dispose of. Click to see where you can dispose of meds on the East End and Suffolk and Nassau Counties.

REPLACE YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM: Cesspools and septic systems have been identified as the largest contributor of nitrogen pollution to the East End’s surface and groundwater systems. The good news is if the time has come to replace yours, you may be eligible for grant funding! Learn more at Reclaim Our Water and Clean Water Cash.

ELECT LEADERS AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE: Make your voice heard for Long Island’s water and cast your vote for elected officials that will make a difference and address Long Island’s wastewater problems. Ask them for the long-term funding needed to make real change and hold them accountable. Become an advocate for your water.

Small changes can have a big impact. Have other ideas on how to protect Long Island’s water? Share with us on our Facebook page! Thank you for supporting the Long Island Clean Water Partnership. We wish you a happy New Year!