Become a member of the L.i. Clean Water Partnership
Send a Letter
You can help make a difference today! By becoming an advocate, you can tell your elected officials that you won’t stand for continued pollution of Long Island’s water. Send a letter telling them that you believe it is time to address declining water quality by reducing pesticides, nitrogen from sewage and other toxic pollution from entering the water we rely on.
Keep checking back - we’ll be posting important clean water action alerts.
Ditch you septic system
Cesspools and septic systems are the leading source of nitrogen pollution. Grants and loans are available to help you replace your septic system with new nitrogen-removing technology. Learn more at Reclaim Our Water and Clean Water Cash.
What You Can Do AT HOME
conserving & Protecting water
Replace failing cesspools, and old, buried heating oil tanks.
Fix any fuel or fluid leaks from your car and don’t wash hazardous materials off your driveway into the road or storm drains.
Clean gutters regularly and direct them to drywells or vegetated areas, never onto paved surfaces.
Keep storm drains cleared of trash and debris. If you notice any problems with your local drain, report it to your town or village.
Cut your grass high at three inches to ward off invasive plants, build stronger root systems, and require less water. If you must water your lawn, do so in the early morning or evening when water evaporates less quickly.
Plant a rain garden for catching stormwater runoff from your roof, driveway, and other hard surfaces.
If you own a pool, cover it when you are not using it. Uncovered pools can lose up to a thousand gallons a month due from evaporation.
Consider using EPA certified “watersense” fixtures, which can save water and money. Learn more here.
Fix leaks - About 20 gallons of water a day are wasted from leaks.
Install a dual flush or low flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.
Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth, washing your face and shaving; only run the washer and dishwasher when they are full; and try to take shorter showers.
Avoid using pesticides, fertilizers, toxic cleaning fluids and other chemical products around the house. These products can be harmful to humans, pets and wildlife and are already showing up in our water supply. If you must use these products, try using alternative/biodegradable pest control products that are less harmful to the environment, and slow-release fertilizers, which require less regular use and provide nutrients more effectively to plantings.
Pick up after your pets! Bacterial contamination from pet waste can pose a threat to human health and our local waterways.
Never discard harmful household chemicals (degreasers, paint thinners, oils, stain removers, oven cleaners, mold removers) or unused pharmaceuticals by putting them down the drain or into storm drains. Call the local recycling center to learn more about proper disposal of toxic chemicals or unwanted pharmaceuticals in your community.
Monitor your water usage on your water bill and ask your local government about a home water audit.
Calculate your Water Footprint and learn ways that you can reduce your water use at home.