The Scoop on Pet Poop


Why picking up after your pet helps water quality

As spring progresses, Long Islanders are sure to be spending more time outdoors with their dogs at the beach, in the park, on hiking trails, or even just hanging out in the backyard. "Man's best friend" needs this time to exercise and play, and also to relieve themselves. Aside from common courtesy, there are some very important reasons why you should pick up after your pet. Here is the scoop on pet poop

1. The average pooch excretes 3/4 of a pound of waste per day - that's 274 pounds per year
2. Biodegradable doggie bags are not enough for pet waste - they have to be discarded in a trash bin to mitigate concerns of environmental impacts
3. The best way to dispose of dog poop is to flush it down the toilet

Pet waste is high in nitrogen and can contain disease-causing parasites and bacteria, which may end up in Long Island's water if left on the ground. Pet waste on the beach and along the roadside can easily wash into our bays, creeks, and harbors, as stormwater runoff after rain and snow melt flow across yards, parks, trails, and more. Excess nitrogen can lead to water quality conditions that kill eel grass, reduce nitrogen, and cause harmful algal blooms. Did you know that in addition to killing fish and making people sick, algal blooms may also be lethal to pets?

Being a responsible pet owner and picking up after your pet is a simple way to help reduce your impact on Long Island water quality. Be sure to carry extra bags with you when walking your dog and share with others when needed. Dispose of these bags by leaving them in a trash bin or flushing the waste down the toilet - without the bag of course! Remind friends and family of the impacts of pet waste on the environment. Also, never compost pet waste.

Help mitigate some of the harmful effects of pet waste on water quality, and pick up after your pet to keep our beaches, parks, and trails clean and safe for everyone to enjoy. Take action and join the Long Island Clean Water Partnership today!