New York State Commits to Full Remediation of Navy/Grumman Plume


Governor Cuomo Announces $150 Million to Fully Contain and Treat Toxic Plume in Bethpage

Over 30 years ago, the Navy/Grumman groundwater plume in Bethpage was declared a state Superfund Site after contamination from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) was detected at the site. Although manufacturing at the Navy/Grumman facility ended in 1996, the plume has continued to grow deeper and expand, threatening the drinking water of south shore communities. The plume, which is now 1.8 miles wide, 3.7 miles long, and up to 800 feet deep, has been found to contain 24 toxic contaminants.

Today, the Governor came to Long Island to announce exciting news! After reevaluating the plume and producing a new 3-d model, New York State declared it is possible to contain the plume and to fully remediate the contamination. There will be 14 new wells installed around the perimeter of the plume, with 4 wells specifically targeting toxic hot spots, to pump out the existing pollutants. In addition, the state will use advanced oxidation to treat for 1,4-dioxane and prevent further contamination of groundwater resources from emerging contaminants. After decades of waiting on the federal government to clean up their legacy waste, the state is moving forward and no longer allowing the Navy to delay crucial drinking water protection efforts.

Governor Cuomo announced he will include $150 million in next year’s budget to move forward with this remediation plan. While the federal government is ultimately responsible to foot the bill for the clean-up, we can no longer sit around and allow the toxic plume to spread to additional drinking water wells, further contaminate our sole-source aquifer, and threaten public health in Bethpage and nearby communities. This is the first step towards a full clean-up of one of the worst toxic plumes on Long Island and will begin to reverse a legacy of pollution that has too long plagued Long Island residents.  

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