Make a Short Film; Win a Cash Prize


Create a PSA on the Importance of Protecting Long Island’s Water for the Reclaim our Water Film Contest.

Get creative, help protect Long Island’s water, and take a shot at winning a cash prize! Suffolk County has launched the Reclaim Our Water Film Contest and is looking for New York State residents to create a short video or public service announcement on the importance of improving Long Island’s water quality. The videos, which should be between 15 seconds and 1 minute, will be judged by an expert panel on the basis of creativity and originality, quality, technical accuracy, and content of the message.  This is a great opportunity to highlight an important issue facing Long Island’s water resources and show off your skills at video production.

Submissions are due by 5pm on August 27th. The winning shorts will be screened at an awards ceremony at the Long Island Maritime Museum on Saturday, September 15th to coincide with the kickoff of National SepticSmart Week.  The winners will receive cash prizes of:

  • 1st place: $2,000

  • 2nd place: $1,000

  • 3rd place: $500

Learn more about Reclaim our Waters Film Contest and download an entry form here.  If you are looking for some inspiration, check out a video from past contest winners.