How to Protect Long Island’s Water on Giving Tuesday


Join in on the global day of giving

Giving Tuesday, celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is a globally-recognized day of giving. The day kicks-off the charitable season and encourages people to get involved in their community, find a cause they love, and donate their money, time or voice.

The Long Island Clean Water Partnership is a coalition of Long Island conservation, business, civic and scientific organizations, who are dedicated to protecting and restoring Long Island water quality. Tackling Long Island’s water quality issues is one of the biggest environmental and civic challenges we’ve ever faced – we need everyone to lend a helping hand.

There are many ways to get involved in the effort to restore Long Island’s water this Giving Tuesday –

Become a Member

If you haven’t done so already, register to become a member of the Long Island Clean Water Partnership to stay updated all year long on the latest on water quality improvement efforts, forums, and actions you can take.

Donate to Long Island Environmental Groups

There are many worthy environmental and civic groups working to protect Long Island’s water – Check out our members, read up on their missions, and consider donating to one of their worthy causes! Many groups are non-profit organizations, making them perfect recipients for your end-of-year giving!

Want to encourage friends and family to donate? Consider raising money for a group via Facebook!

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Twitter - @LICleanH2O

Share one of our posts and help educate your friends on Long Island water.

Write Your Elected Officials & Make Your Voice Heard

Write your town, county, state and federal elected officials and tell them why a healthy environment is important to you and urge them to address Long Island’s water quality problems.

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