New Nitrogen-Removing Septic Systems: Does Your Home Qualify?


Grants and low-cost loans available to qualifying homeowners to replace failing septic systems

Nitrogen pollution from cesspools and septic systems is degrading Long Island’s water quality and is leading to the closure of our favorite beaches, restrictions on shellfishing, toxic algae blooms and massive fish kills and turtle die-offs. In Suffolk County, 70% of homes (about 360,000 homes) are hooked-up to aging and poorly-maintained individual septic tanks or cesspools that were never designed to remove nitrogen. Average residential septic systems discharge approximately 40 pounds of nitrogen per year, that enters our groundwater and then flows into our surface waters.

The Long Island Clean Water Partnership is pleased to applaud and announce the launch of Suffolk County’s Reclaim Our Water Septic Improvement Program, which will provide millions of dollars in direct financial support for Suffolk County residents who want to replace their existing septic systems with new technology that will improve Long Island water quality.

Priority will be given to homeowners located in key regions, those located in unsewered coastal areas, where nitrogen from septic systems quickly reaches surface waters and degrades our marshes, bays and beaches.

This is an exciting first step in the effort to restore Long Island water quality – we encourage all of our members to participate in this program!

Find important information on how you can qualify for up to $11,000, along with low interest loans to help cover the cost of installing new pollution-reducing wastewater disposal septic systems for your home, visit